Francesco Furno
Some suggestions about knowledge
The knowledge is very important in a KBS because:
it has to help the cityzen to orientate himself in the society, giving him the mean to understand where he could look for information in order to face each kind of situation. It is impossible for a cityzen to know everything; what is possible is, instead, to give the cityzen the chance to understand the basis of every situation and, consequentely, to find the required information.
it has to be “organic”; this means that the cityzen has to understand that all kinds of knowledge are linked together and every concept reminds to another one. Only being aware of this a cityzen could be prepared to understand the basis of every situation
the base-knowledge of a cityzen has to be simple and easily available to him, it has to be discursive but correct; only in a second time the cityzen has to develp a scientific and deep approach to the knowledge. This is the only way for a person to build a orientative knowledge.
The knowledge is strongly linked with emotions: in fact, every knowledge a person develops has emotions inside. Anyway, the amount of emotions impressed changes from a knowledge to another. The important thing is: the more emotions there are, the more efficient and strong the knowledge is. It is fundamental to develop an educational sistem that considers emotion more than nowadays.
A suggestions about economics
We need that the spheres of power, as economy, do not interfere in the decision-process but, instead, knowledge remains more clear and pure as possible, because it is the only right criterion of making-decisions.
A consideration on Freedom
When you are in a society you have to be aware of the fact that your freedom is not absolute; in fact, you have to sacrify a little part of it for the other members of the society. In change of this, you will receive protection and safety.
A consideration on Duty
If we want to build a society that really works, we have to own the awareness of the function of duty; in fact, duty is the glue that keeps together all the members of society. Duty grows up from knowledge: only by understanding how the society works, what are the advantages and what are the issues, we can feel a sense of duty for our society.
Giulia Guidazzi
School and education
- In Europe there are lots of guys who have got problems in the society in which they live because of poverty, family hardships and other problematic backgrounds . These teen-agers could put themselves on the wrong track ( drug, underworld, thefts...) if nobody helps them. School and teachers must help these people economically and socially, giving free course books, assistance and a good education.
- In schools young people have to study more the present main themes.
- There should be more chances to do intercultural changes during the school year or the summer.
- To issue new laws to protect school and students: general knowledge and education are our background for the future.
- A better knowledge of culture, society and costums of nations that belong to Europe: in this way we can avoid episodes of racism between guys or children, our prejudices and we can extend our cultural horizon. We won’t be afraid of foreign people.
- A better study of English and of the most important european languages , to be more advantaged when we will be abroad.
- Young people have to learn how to respect the enviroment and how to know the area in which they live and what it could offer them in the future.
- More right information about the present climatic and enviromental situation.
- Create a recycling programme, search an alternative power source and new solutions about the sustainable development of water, soil, air... .
- Promote the use of public transports to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.
- People have to be informed about security in dangerous situations and how to protect themselves or to help other poor people.
- Favour more meetings between young people of all Europe, setting up events like this project or other cultural celebrations.
- A greater patnership between european nations to favour the diplomacy and debetes between politicians.
- Favour the dialogue between young people and politicians because their taken decisions have repercussions on us and on our future.
- There should be a better knowledge about science, medicine, neoroscience, actuality ... .
Giulia Raggi
I believe that one of the biggest pillars on which the "society of knowledge" should be based is communication. We, citizens of Europe, must work hard together, and I think the better way to do that is discussing. Exchanging opinions, points of view, discussing and giving advice about what we have to change, improve or introduce in every field (Science, Society, Culture, Education and so on) are what we must do to create our society.
I would divide this pillar in two points:
-Kwowledge of foreign languages to communicate;
-Knowledge "the others".
What I mean is:
-as we cannot coomunicate in many different languages, we must learn, as if it were our mother language, English.
We have to be able to express our opinion and listen to other citizens in English, find solutions in English, discussing in English.
All schools should teach English starting from 6-year-old students for more hours a week than now. English should be considered not only a school subject, but a way, a mean of communication and should be spoken and understood by everyone.
-We can't say "we are Europe" if we don't know each other. As a matter of fact, it can be possible. We can know citizens of Europe if we study their history, their backgrounds, their country and cities geographically, if we visit their countries and learn their lifestyle and talk with them as much as possible. This can happen thanks to an exchange of e-mails (or letters) and some meetings, where young people can discuss and learn those values that in many countries are lost. First of all, we have to learn to respect others and defeat racism, prejudices and xenophobia.
Lorenzo Casadei
- Semplicity is the better way to give information; if we create clear raccomandations, we'll be understood better.
- Mathematics in the future of our society, so in order to create an effcient society we have to put attention on mathematics.
- Curiosity is the base of the research. Without curiosity, there won't be any progress.
- in order to create a knowledge society we have to consider the differnt types of culture we have, also because every country has the own culture.
Lorenzo Valzania
1)To promote communication among young Europeans through blogs where you can also interact directly and informally with personalities such as researchers. At the same time the quality of the conversations should be kept good, trusting in the good sense of the bloggers.
2)As suggested by Dr. Beccari, we should make young people aware of all the resources that territory provides. Therefore, we should set up times at school in which the meanings of important terms such as patent, business, technology, resource, innovation are explained.
3) Follows directly from 2) that new generations must be given responsibility, to make them understand that an approach to Knowledge (not only strictly scientific) is a civic duty to make a European knowledge-based society.
martedì 14 ottobre 2008
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